What to Look for in Las Vegas Auto Accident Lawyers

Car accident in Las Vegas? Nevada auto accident laws can be tough to navigate. Here is how to find an auto accident lawyer who knows how to fight for you in Las Vegas, Henderson, and beyond.
46th Fatality On Las Vegas Roads in 2024

March 31st, 2024, marks the day Las Vegas hit 46 traffic-related deaths in 2024. The driver was operating his vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and was booked into the Clark County Detention Center for DUI-related charges.
What Are The Odds Of Surviving A Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycles can be a great form of recreational transportation, allowing you to travel long distances quickly while feeling the wind in your hair. But unfortunately, motorcycles pose far greater risks for riders in a crash than cars, trucks, and other closed vehicles.
The Most Common Issues in Las Vegas Tour Bus Crashes

Las Vegas is an incredibly popular tourist destination, receiving millions of visitors from around the country each year. Many of these tourists come by bus from cities in California, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado—neighboring states that are just close enough for a quick day or convenient overnight trip.