Dive into our trucking accident guide to navigate your insurance claim and how a truck accident attorney can help maximize your settlement.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an 18-wheeler truck accident, we first want to acknowledge that we understand it affects people physically and emotionally, not just legally. Trucking accidents are unfortunately quite common, with 168,320 accidents in 2022. Knowing what to do is important so that you and your loved ones can recover well and stay safe.

In this trucking accident guide, we’ll dive into immediate steps to take after the accident, seeking medical attention and injury documentation, and how a truck accident attorney can help.

Immediate Steps To Take After a Truck Accident 

An accident happens unexpectedly, so it’s natural to feel unsure of what to do. Our trucking accident guide outlines the immediate steps to take after a truck accident.

Call 911 

Immediately after an accident, it’s important to first assess the health and well-being of yourself and anyone else in your vehicle. A truck accident is dangerous and shocking, so it’s natural to feel overwhelmed by a myriad of emotions when it happens. Do your best to stay calm and call 911. Let the dispatcher know how many people are involved in the accident and your location, and request for police and ambulances to be sent to the scene. 

Report the Accident

Once ambulances arrive, they’ll tend to the injuries you and any other passengers sustained. The police on site will be able to help you create a police report documenting details of the accident. You should also request a copy of this report to keep for your records.

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Document the Scene

It’s important to note that if you sustain severe injuries or if the accident occurred in a setting that is not safe to walk around, it is more important to look after your well-being. First, prioritize getting the immediate care and safety you need. If you are able to safely navigate the scene, some important pieces of information you should capture include: 

  • Photos of the vehicles involved and any damage
  • Contact information from witnesses 
  • The other driver’s name, address, and phone number
  • The other driver’s insurance details
  • Name and contact information of the truck driver’s employer and the trucking company
  • License plate numbers
  • Notes about the weather conditions at the time of the accident

Medical Attention and Injury Documentation

In this section of our trucking accident guide, we’ll be diving into more detail about seeking medical attention and properly documenting injuries for your insurance claim.

Seeking Medical Attention

Even if you or your passengers don’t immediately feel that you’ve been hurt after a truck accident, it’s still important to get evaluated by a medical professional. In addition to the medics that evaluate your injuries on the scene, you should also schedule an appointment at your doctor’s office to get a comprehensive medical evaluation soon after the accident. 

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Not all serious injuries have immediate symptoms, so it’s important to closely monitor your health after an accident. Some common injuries that may result from a truck accident include whiplash, concussion, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, traumatic brain injury, burns, and internal injuries to vital organs. Treatments for injuries can range from a few doctor’s visits to ongoing, long-term care, depending on the severity.

Recording Your Injuries

Keeping a detailed and organized record of your injuries is a crucial part of your truck accident insurance claim. If you delay seeing a medical professional, it may be more difficult to prove that your injuries were directly caused by the accident, and you may discover serious injuries too late. After each medical visit, be sure to ask for a copy of all documents. These documents are helpful in providing proof of the severity of your injuries and may include things like medical test results, treatment reports, imaging results, and medical bills. 

Medical expenses make a significant impact on the amount of compensation you’re able to receive from your claim, so keeping track of these expenses as you look after your health will give you an advantage as you recover.

Legal Steps and Compensation Claims

Next in our trucking accident guide, we’ll be detailing how to hire the right truck accident attorney and how to file a truck accident insurance claim.

Finding the Right Truck Accident Attorney

Truck accidents are more complex compared to car accidents between passenger vehicles due to the multiple parties involved – the truck driver, the truck manufacturer, the maintenance and repair companies, and the loading companies. This makes assigning liability and ensuring fair compensation more difficult, but hiring a truck accident attorney can help. 

A dedicated attorney helps you with legal counsel, building cases against multiple parties, and negotiating with insurance companies to get compensation. It’s important to find an attorney with expertise in personal injury cases, excellent communication skills, and genuine care for you and your case. Many attorneys have free consultations available, so take advantage of that opportunity to scope out an attorney before making a final decision.

Understanding Truck Accident Claims

Filing a truck accident insurance claim involves gathering evidence to prove injuries resulting from a negligent party, investigating the accident’s cause, communicating with insurance companies, and negotiating a settlement offer. Depending on the severity of the accident and the parties involved, these claims can quickly become complicated and confusing to handle on your own. 

A truck accident attorney helps you navigate the claim process and communicate with insurance companies so that you can focus more on your recovery and receive the compensation you deserve.

FAQs: What To Do After a Trucking Accident

Here are some frequently asked questions we wanted to answer in our trucking accident guide.

How long do I have to report a trucking accident?

Most insurance companies require you to report an accident within 24-48 hours. The sooner you report it, the better.

Can I file a claim for a truck accident if I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt?

Yes, you can still file a claim. However, not wearing a seatbelt may impact the compensation amount you’re eligible to receive. 

What should I do if the trucking company contacts me after an accident?

You are not obligated to make any statements or sign agreements when a trucking company contacts you. It’s best to contact a truck accident attorney to make sure your legal rights are fully protected.

How is fault determined in a trucking accident?

Fault is determined by proving that injuries from the accident were caused by the negligent actions of a party involved.

What compensation can I expect from a trucking accident claim?

Compensation for a trucking accident varies depending on the situation, but some claims have settled for millions of dollars.

Do I need a lawyer for a trucking accident claim?

Not every claim requires a lawyer, but hiring a lawyer could help maximize the compensation you receive from your claim. Refer to our trucking accident guide above for more details on how a lawyer can help you.

How long does a trucking accident claim take to settle?

Due to the many factors involved in different trucking accident claims, there isn’t a consistent timetable for reaching settlements. Hiring a truck accident attorney can help ensure that your claim proceeds in a timely manner.

Get the Compensation You Deserve to Recover

While we have covered many details in this trucking accident guide, you may still have questions, and we welcome them! Our dedicated personal injury lawyers have decades of experience representing clients affected by truck accidents. We represent people in Las Vegas and nationwide with the goal of not only making a difference in your claim, but also making a difference in your life. 

Fill out the form for a free consultation and experience how we care for our clients with tenacity and compassion.

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